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Tuesday, 30 October 2012


What Is The Frog VLE?
Think of Frog as a social network for schools.
The Frog Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is a web-based learning system that replicates real-world learning by integrating virtual equivalents of conventional concepts of education. For example, teachers can assign lessons, tests, and marks virtually, while students can submit homework and view their marks through the VLE. Parents can view school news and important documents while school administrators can organise their school calendars and disseminate school notices via the Internet.

Learning Beyond Boundaries
With the VLE, education does not have to be confined to a traditional classroom and with the Internet, can take place anywhere, anytime. Because the VLE is web-based, learning can happen on a smartphone, a tablet, or at home on a desktop. Teachers and students can also interact and communicate with each other in a more convenient and flexible way. 


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